Monday, August 5, 2013

Bulbophyllum micranthum

We also got this plant at the Redland Orchid Festival 2013 from the same vendor as Phrag longifolium. We had seen one at a show and liked it because it has a yellow flower, so we put it on our list of things we would like to have. We saw it there and got it because it was a really good deal in combo with longifolium. It had a few really old shriveled growths at the back and a nice new growth started. It was potted in a little 4" plastic pot that it had completely grown over the side by multiple pseudobulbs. We didn't have any flat/shallow wooden baskets because we forgot to buy one at the supply place at the show, so we put it in a round take out container in sphagnum moss. We drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom for drainage, and it's only about an inch or so deep so it dries out fairly quickly. I cut off the old shriveled backbulbs when I repotted. A couple of the leaves had some yellow and spots on them when we bought it, but we thought that was because of a broken leaf. Also, so many plants have leaf issues and discoloring that we'd never be able to buy anything if it had to be perfect. A couple of the leaves turned yellow and popped off the pseudobulb which was a little worrisome, but it seems to have stopped. The new growth is doing well, and looks to have some sun spots. At first I got worried about the new growth because where the rhizome forms it got kind of slimy and gross. This had happened on our other Bulbophyllum baileyii. I just cleared more of the moss away, and it improved. Seems to be doing alright now. Once it gets more roots established we will see how it does. I fertilize it when I water with Grow.

When we went to look up the plant after we bought it, turns out there's a macranthum and micranthum, and people are often not so good with the labeling. So we will see what it turns out as!! Oh well, we like bulbophyllums anyways because they are interesting and easy.

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