Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oncidium Sharry Baby

We also received Sharry Baby from Zack at Steven's work. It was in a 5" clay orchid pot with standard bark mix, and we kept it in there. It seems to be very happy because it just keeps growing and flowering like crazy. We water it normally once a week or so when it dries out all the way with our standard Dyna Gro- Grow weekly and with Dyna Gro- Bloom when it is in spike. Every time it makes a new pseudobulb, before the bulb even seems to be fully mature, it is putting on a flowering spike. The flowers smell kind of like chocolate during the warm part of the day. I definitely recommend this plant for easy and prolific flowering. This time it even has 2 flowering spikes! After it is done flowering, we will probably repot into something larger. We grow it with the same intermediate light level with the other oncidiums- between Phals and Cattleyas. It does have the Sharry Baby virus that they all seem to have, but it doesn't seem to be hurting it much or spreading to our other plants. Once the leaves get really ugly looking from the virus we cut them off.

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