We got this plant bare root from the Highlands County Orchid Show in March 2013. We picked it out because there was a large specimen sample and it smelled lovely, it had neat different colors and it was spotted. We didn't know much about this type, so we had to look it up online. We learned it wants Oncidium light levels (between a cattleya and a Phal) and it wants to be evenly moist. We at first decided to pot it in a 4" clay pot with our usual bark mix. It became clear pretty quickly though that the bark mix just would not stay wet enough. We switched it into moss in the same clay pot. It seemed to perk up after that. It was in bud when we got it, so it flowered right away. The flower actually lasted surprisingly well considering the repotting trauma. We water it when it gets most of the way dry, often about once per week, but sometimes up to two weeks. We fertilize it every time we water with the Dyna Gro- Grow. It has only just recently started to put on any new growth at all in June. We have been anxiously awaiting it to do this because that's how you know the repotting is going to take and be alright.
you mixed it or not and did you repot in a ventilated plastic pot afterwards