Friday, June 21, 2013

Orchids on Migration

We have moved to Chicago with all the babies in tow! We filled up Steven's car with them only. I know that's kind of ridiculous. In our defense though he has a really tiny car... They did not really enjoy their travel experience all that much. It was too hot and sunny in the car for them. We tried rigging up towels and stuff to block the sun, but with only minimal success. Dendrobium spectabile got a really bad sunburn. When we arrived in Chicago at my mom's house we temporarily put them on the back porch, but it was a little crowded there...

We also didn't like being there, so we weren't as diligent about watering etc., and they definitely weren't getting proper light.

We are worried that the changes will disturb the flowering on a few of the babies, but I guess that can't be helped. The temperature and humidity is different. The light is different. Plus the shock of the transport and temporary housing situation. We have them still set up on the tables we had before, but it seems like the hose is the most efficient watering regime. However, the hose water is freezing cold, and we suspect they might not care for that so much. But heating up water to make it warmer is just way too much work. My mom wants to get rain barrels anyways, so maybe that will be a better solution for temperature as well as for having non-chlorinated water. So far everyone seems to be mostly ok.

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