Friday, June 21, 2013

A Slew of Seedlings

We got a bunch of little seedlings from a friend at Steven's work in the fall and winter 2012. There was a Dendrobium discolor, Cirrhopetalum sheryl kurizaki (cirr. Fascinator X bulb. Lasiochilum), Grammatophyllum scriptum 'kilani', an unknown Oncidium, a total mystery that looks sort of like a cross between a Bulbophyllum and an Encyclia, Paphiopetalum saint swithin, Potinara elaine taylor 'Krull smith', Potinara pastushin's gold 'paydirt', and Potinara waianae appeal 'aloha'. They are all in little 2 inch pots with seedling mix. We haven't repotted or really done anything with them besides water. They are sort of inconvenient because they are small and dry out faster and tip over all the time so they are possibly slightly neglected. They normally only get watered once a week even if they need it sooner. All the seedlings seem to be doing ok and putting on new growths. This whole growing from a seedling thing is nice because it is cheap but waiting for years feels like a really long time.

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