Thursday, October 31, 2013


Our babies are being babysat over the winter. They went to the greenhouse this last week because it has gotten too cold to keep them outside. We rent partial bench space monthly and they do the care. We are excited to go and visit them this weekend so see how they liked their first week! We didn't bring them all because I don't think they would all fit. We kept the low light things like the Phals and Paphs at home and also the little tiny things. I hope they will do well there. I think they will be happier to be getting much better light. I really want the Dendrobium spectabile to flower this winter.

A couple of them seem to have gotten a fungus or something. We didn't water for about 3 weeks because it was chilly and had hoped that would stop the fungus, but no luck. The Mini cattleya bright angel ... red with yellow center has it. Whatever the fungus is it makes weird brown patterns on the backs of the leaves. The zygopetalum also has little spots that spread on the leaves then turn yellow and fall off. We have cut off all its leaves except the new growth. I'm especially worried about it. Sherry baby apparently has it too more than its usual spots. We got some copper fungicide to spray them with. Steven has sprayed the Sherry baby but not the others yet. I am crossing my fingers and hoping it works. Once they are cured- if they are cured- they can go to the greenhouse too. I will try and take some pictures.

Mystery solved- Liparis condylobulbon.


Our little mystery orchid started putting on a flowering spike probably about a month ago now. So of course I bloom booster it and here we are! We still had no idea what it was, so we brought it to the Orchid Society meeting to see if anyone there had a clue what it was. The suggestion was Liparis condylobulbon which I think is pretty spot on. It's officially not a mystery anymore. It's flowering away. Little white flowers- it's cute. It's still living at home with us. I couldn't get the camera to focus on the individual flowers close up.